Monday, April 29, 2024

It's Been A Long Time...

 It was really very interesting to read through my younger self's thoughts. It was a whirlwind of insight that I wasn't expecting about what my worries, hopes, and aspirations were when I was younger. 

I now write this post from the eyes of a twenty something year old with a career, and continued hopes and aspirations for the future. I am proud of that once 17 year old that started this blog as a way to express himself and to encourage a sense of growth and exploration. I am not too sure what will become of this project, but if anything I am simply excited to keep writing, learning, and growing. This blog has become like my online diary, and I really do not mind sharing these thoughts with the web. I think it's a beautiful thing that we get to experience each other virtually, it's a reminder that we're human, and we long for connection and relation. 

Random thought, but I haven't published the book I so diligently began working on 10 years ago, I must make this promise to my younger, current, and future self that I will get around to it. And I will... 

For now, that is all. I am sure I will come back with some additional thoughts later, and I have yet to revise and edit all the previous posts, I am sure my younger self with his undeveloped cortex probably wasn't thinking very wisely about what he was sharing. Though, if I'm honest, the same could probably be said of my current self...

Saturday, July 30, 2016

National Friendship Day

In honor of National Friendship day, dear reader, here is Face from my book in progress. Love yourself, reader. You're worth it.


Large dark brown eyes, big lips, huge and luscious eyebrows, long black hair and fierce cheekbones. If I ever got asked to describe my face with love and detail, those are the words I would use. When I see myself in the mirror, those words fade to bushy eyebrows, lips too large for my face, long hair that makes my face look funny, etc. I know I live with body image issues, and this sickness is very real to almost everyone I know. There’s a very personal way of dealing with that person staring back at you in the mirror. We break ourselves down, down to every pore in our bodies, we bring judgement to our arms, our stomach, our eyes, our nose, our legs, and every other innocent limb. But that’s not how other people see us, they see a beautiful person that breaks themselves down, and cannot appreciate their beauty. I know this to be true because when I see my friends and loved ones, I see immensely gorgeous people, people that insist on shattering themselves.

Sunday, May 1, 2016


Hello, Reader!

Today's blog post will be about a topic that I think a lot of people hold to be controversial.  After watching several videos on Youtube today by acclaimed vegans like Freelee The Banana Girl, I felt disgusted by the kind of cult that some vegans like her have created that spread hate for people whom aren't vegan.

Veganism and vegetarianism aren't about telling other people that what they eat is disgusting and much less condemning them for their dietary choices. On the contrary, people who practice this lifestyle should only educate people about where their food is coming from but in a way that is respectful and ethical.

Today, I actually decided to go about a lifestyle change. Thanks to a video from BrotherGreenEats, and the influence of Joey Graceffa and Jenna Marbles, NOT Freelee, I decided to go vegetarian. I think it's important to mention that I am doing this first of all for me and my health, and secondly because I want to help people like Tana Mangeau bring new light to a fragile topic. Help show people that not all vegans/vegetarians are wanting to shove their lifestyles down people's throats. And finally, to educate people about their food in a respectful and kind manner by bringing to the table recipe ideas and ideas of sustainability.

That's it for my rant, as I do not want to give people like freelee any more attention.

Below I've included a couple of pictures of my first vegan/vegetarian dishes I cooked up today. If you'd like the recipes, please leave a comment in the "contact me" tab and I will gladly reply with the recipe and cooking instructions. :)

I also plan to film a video or two on the recipes below and perhaps a few more recipes for my Youtube channel. So if you'd like, keep an eye out for those. ;)

Vegan Strawberry/Banana ice cream

Vegan avocado spaghetti with cherry tomatoes

Thank you so much for your time, reader!
I'll blog you later! :)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Summer Looks

Hi, beloved reader! 
Below are some of my tips and go to's for summer clothing.

Summer is an exciting time. It's a time to go out and have fun and express yourself through the clothes you wear, and whomever says you can't look good in 90 degree heat was greatly mistaken. Just like any other time of the year, it's about choosing your preferred color schemes. Below I've included one of my favorite (black and red.) Though many might argue black is not a summer color, the truth is black is always in style.


Sun glasses are an absolute must have to any summer look, so make sure to try and include them in most of your summer looks. There's no such thing as too many sunglasses, and remember sunglasses are like sunblock for your eyes. I prefer a classic black lens and metal frame look, but don't be afraid to experiment with all sorts of different types of sunglasses. Find your sun glass niche! :)


Any good look whether it be in summer or winter includes accessories, and aside from sunglasses and a hip watch, a good way to accessorize is by choosing a messenger bag/purse/backpack that can add extra depth to your look. In addition, choosing to carry a storage bag can help you carry all those summer essentials like sunscreen, a towel, an umbrella, etc. Not only that, but I'd be lying if I didn't say messenger bags are super fun.

Alright, that concludes my summer go-to post. I hope these tips are helpful to you this summer, and please feel free to submit your own summer looks in the 'Reader Discussions' tab. I'd love to see your summer looks!

Blog you later!

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Start Of Something New


Welcome to the future! This is my first post of 2016. I am glad to be announcing this now, not earlier or later. As I may have mentioned before, I have many things in the works in the moment two of which I am extremely excited about. One is my book which is close to one fourth of the way done, and second is my soon to arrive online website! I have been very inspired by webpages such as and as well as videos on Youtube to start my own DIY projects and hopefully sell them. I hope you will soon be as enthusiastic as I am about what the future holds!

I gotta get going now, but I'll blog you later.

In the meantime, here's a picture of some of my favorite items in my room. :)

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Choosing a career is HARD

Hello, Reader!

It's been a long time, and today I'll be assessing a pretty diverse subject.
Choosing a career.

Just recently, I finished new student orientation at the university of my choice, and aside from being hectic and annoying and all around confusing, it left me more lost than ever about what I want for my future. Well... Okay not entirely I have to admit. There definitely were a lot of helpful and knowledgeable people that helped shape my decisions, but I definitely don't know what I want after college. Or okay I lied again... There are too many things I want for me after college... I know what degree I want to pursue, but I'm not sure what I want to do with that degree after college.

Which brings me back to how difficult it is to decide what career you want. Then again, I know there are many people that go into college knowing exactly what they want. But on the other hand, there are people like me that have doubts once placed in front of so many options. So... My point is, if you're like me, the best tip I can give, is for you to try and find yourself. I know that sounds strange, but try to really observe yourself, and find what you love. If you're still not sure don't worry, what we have is time... But never waste your time, always find something productive to do with your time.

So I'll finish this post with: let's do this! Let's go out there and conquer the world! ^_^

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Living life as an ambivert

Well, I don't know how to start of this post, so I guess I'll start it by providing the definition of an ambivert, brought to you by

Okay, well...the whole point of this post is for me to describe how I've lived my life thus far as an ambivert. For a long time, I was certain I was an introvert, and I would assume that because I was and still am a very shy and reserved person, I am one of those people that won't go up to you and say hi, you have to come to me. Anyway, recently thanks to BuzzfeedVideo on Youtube, I've discovered that aside from introverts and extroverts, scientists have developed a new category for people who lie in the middle: ambiverts.

As the definition says, we are people who enjoy both being around people and being alone the same. Although I must admit that ambiverts usually lean more towards the introvert or extrovert sides, we count with traits from both types of personalities. Now, we aren't people with multiple personalities, we just like people as much as we like books.

Moving on to my personal life, I've noticed big crowds often make me nervous and uncomfortable, sometimes the crowds don't have to be too big, I could be in a setting where I've arrived at a small restaurant that happens to be packed that day, and immediately I feel everyone's staring at me as soon as I've entered the locale. But don't get me wrong, being an ambivert can be fun too, just like extroverts, we enjoy the adrenaline packed ride at an amusement park every once in a while, and we'll engage in sudden dance moves if we're in the mood. But, like extroverts, we enjoy some down time to recharge, we will sit for an hour or two and read a good book with a coffee or tea on the side. We will also stay home for a weekend if need be, just to take time to reflect or to rest...

In conclusion, being an ambivert might just be the best of both worlds, and even if you're not an ambivert, you're special just the way you are, and you should love yourself for being unique. Finally, let me know what kind of person you are, an introvert/extrovert? Or are you one of us middle ambiverts? Also, how do you go about life as the introvert, ambivert, or extrovert you are?

Alrighty then, thank you reader once more for being so amazing, and if you liked this post, why not share it with others on your social medias? Let me know you enjoyed this post also by commenting something special, please?

Okay, I'll blog you later! ;)

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

***Last Blog post of 2014***

Hello, Reader

First off, my apologies for having slacked off with my blogmas posts, but time just flew by and before I knew it, I found my self here! It's the end of 2014, and we are getting ready to start 2015! I am beyond excited and enthusiastic about what 2015 holds! :D

Also, I forgot to blog on the day of my birthday!!! Anyway, I am glad to announce I am now 18 and will soon have my driver's license, woop woop!

Anyway, I'd love to know how you spent your Christmas, and how you plan on spending this New Years Eve day. Also, what will be your New Years resolution? My New Years resolution will be to finish off this school year with A honor roll, and to get my driver's license before the end of February.

Finally, I'd love to wish you a very happy and belated Merry Christmas, and a joyful Happy New Year! Stay safe out there, and always fight the tide! Talk to you soon...

(Social Media links are now found on the far right tab, or also on the 'contact me' tab above -->)

Sunday, December 7, 2014

***Blogmas day 4***

Hello, Reader!
I get so excited when I start to type "blogmas day" in the title because I'm doing it, I'm going forth with the blogging challenge! Anyway, for some reason I'm in a good mood aside from the fact that I've done pretty much no homework...ohh well...

I began to play a game I found through Youtube, it's called "Draw My Thing" I know it sounds wrong, but it's really fun, it's basically like the android/iPhone app "Draw Something" except this game you play on pc, and you guess the drawings of other people in real time, if you have time check it out!

I'm also super happy because I go to school two more weeks, and then I'm out for Christmas break! Yuppy! Also, a few more weeks for my eighteenth birthday, and I get to take my drivers license test! And vote of course, but I'm excited for my license because if I pass on the first take, I get a car from my parents!!! Super eggciting things coming...

Alright that's it for today, thank you once more for your time! ^-^

social media connection links now found somewhere here --->
and my email found in the 'contact me' tab.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

***Blogmas day 3***

Hello, Reader!

Today was a totally fun day, my family and I went to the festival I had told you all about on yesterday's post, and it was lovely, among the many treats that were given, my cousin scored a free Dr Pepper 12 pack lol. Anyway, I did film some of the event, and maybe I'll edit it and make it into an entertaining video...who knows...if time allows.

Anyway, as I had mentioned previously, exciting things are coming including a trip with my school to Albuquerque this month, among many other things that I will share later on...

As for school, my grades are sinking faster than The Titanic. :( but ohh one ever said it would be easy.

Hmm...I think that's all I have for today, don't forget to cast your vote on the survey found here

And thank you for your time!!! :)

Social media connections:
Instagram: @Andyslens
Twitter: @Andys_Lens
Youtube: +Andy's Lens
personal email:

any and all questions and feedback welcome.

Friday, December 5, 2014

***Blogmas day 2***

Hello, Reader!

Look at my cool "snowflake lights" that I have in my room and I adore although they make me dreadfully sleepy! Also, my apologies for missing yesterday's post, busy busy busy!

Anyway, I'm so excited! Both Christmas and my birthday are right around the corner, and tomorrow my city will be hosting it's annual Christmas parade, and afterwards I'm off to robotics, and ahh! Very exciting things await...anyway, I thought I'd just keep you up to date with what's going on with me today. Also, before beginning this post, I was watching a few Youtube videos of my favorite Youtubers, and I stumbled upon Shane Dawson's new parody video, it was gruesome, but I totally understand his humor...but definitely different from what he's done before. Anyway, why don't you tell me what's going on with you by leaving a comment below!?

Thank you very much for your time, reader! OHH, and before I forget, I've posted a survey on my blog at the far left corner, if you could please take a minute to cast your vote, I'd greatly appreciate it, so far only one person has replied to the survey. :( But I trust I'll have several replies once the survey ends. Anyway, thanks again, and see you soon!

Social media connections:
Instagram: @AndysLens
Twitter: @Andys_Lens
personal email:

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


I wish I could say I was going to do Vlogmas, but I still don't find the courage to overcome the idea of staring at a camera and talking to it for several minutes at a time...

Anyway, hello Reader! It's finally December! :D

I started off the month in one of the best ways possible, Mirandasings (Colleen Ballinger) liked two of my pictures on Instagram! I took so many screen shots, and I was trembling when I saw the "like" notification. She is honestly one of the best Youtubers ever, I sent her a Tweet just saying how happy a like would make me along with my Instagram username, and three minutes later she had searched me up and given me not only one, but two likes.

But enough of that rant even though it makes me super happy, YES, it's December alas! :)
December is by far my favorite month of the year, and this year I will be celebrating it by attempting to post a new blog post everyday until Christmas and although I know I may not post everyday, my goal is to at least post twice every week, I hope my posts aren't too dreadfully boring!

Anyway, I also want to finally start filming videos though as I mentioned before, I still find it weird, but the thought of being face to face with people willing to listen intrigues me and makes me want to do this real bad!

Alright that's all I have for today, I wish you dear reader a great month, and a great rest of the year. See you soon... ^-^

Social Media connections:
Instagram: @Andyslens (go see Miranda's likes :D )
Twitter: @Andres_Vlog
Youtube: Andres Vlog

Friday, November 14, 2014

Friendship is a must.

First off, sorry about the layout problems, I've already contacted blogger about my problem, and they will soon help me out with getting my set up back to normal. :) But for now, I'm glad you can still see my posts, although the rest of my tabs are way below all my posts and all messed up...anyway, onto today's post. :)

Friendship is a must.
That's today's quote. I came up with the saying because every once in a while, you get to slow down, breathe in, go to the park, and have fun with a few friends. Today was one of those days, my friends and I headed off to celebrate one of my friend's birthdays at a buffet, and afterwards decided to go to the park. Parks (I discovered today after having not set a foot on one for the past few years) are very much stress relievers, and with friends there, time seems to seize existence if only for a moment. Although I am home now and have the dreadful task of finishing off homework, I am much more relieved and un-stressed. Friendship is a must, not only because it helps one conquer new horizons, and leads one to amazing uncertainty, but friendship is a must mostly because it's always there. Friendship works in a very unique way, a way that no one really understands, it is built on trust, yes. But even when that trust has been lost, like a wave it comes crashing back to shore and friendship is restored. One thing is for certain, friendship provides a base for unbreakable relationships.

Feel free to share my poem with the world, but please include in your post:
Written by: Andres I., a poem inspired by friends.

Friendship is a must.
It may be something fragile,
Perhaps because it is like dust.

It may rust,
But it is strong and agile;
It is always just.

It may undergo mistrust,
And it may become hostile.
But in the end, friendship is a must.

Thank you for your time, dear reader, and I wish you the best.
Sincerely, a teen.

Thursday, October 30, 2014


Dear Reader,

First off, I'm sorry this post is going up so late, but I'm up doing essays. Essays are rather entertaining for me, somewhat fun and a good way to spend the time. Not only that, but they provide a way through which I can channel/transmit my emotions and present them on paper. Currently though, I am writing college essays, and although these aren't much fun, I'm attempting to find inspiration, and blog posting seems to help.

Anyway, this blog post really won't be going anywhere, so I guess I'll end it here, short and sweet. :)

Thank you for your time, reader! You are greatly appreciated!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Hello, guys

I just want Minecraft!! :(
I've been watching Joey (link: ) and Stacy (link: ) on Youtube play Minecraft, and can I just say...I'm more obsessed than I used to be! (I've been watching them for over a year now) and I really just want friends to play with on Minecraft PC version, but I can't even get it for my self. :/

Anyway, that's what's going on with me at the moment...well, that and homework but that's a usual. Anyways, what are you up to? :)
Let me know in the comments below!

Contact me:
Instagram: @AndysLens
Twitter: @Andres_Vlog
Google+/Youtube: +Andres Vlog
iVlog: @Andres_iVlog
Younow: @Andres_Vlog

Friday, October 10, 2014


Hello, Reader

As I did my homework, a song came to mind, and I began to write it. I don't know that it has any significance, but it's there, I brought it to life.

Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with this blogpost, I guess I can write out how desperate I feel when I think about the future...I still don't know which color looks the best, or what water tastes the best, or what camera takes better pics, yet I'm expected to know what I'm going to do with the rest of my life. :/
I understand life was never meant to be easy, but I don't think anyone ever expects it to be this hard...and this nostalgia overpowers even the deepest of hopes...

And as I sit here writing, this is all that's going through my head. Why am I here, why do I wish I was elsewhere? The future is like a book with no cover, no prologue, no introduction. You are forced to indulge in it and know exactly what to expect.

I'm sorry this post got real nostalgic real quickly, but becoming a 'grown-up' is no easy task, and although no one talks about it, everyone thinks about it,

Wish to contact me? Please do.
Contact information:
Twitter: @Andres_vlog
Instagram: @Andyslens
iVlog: @AndresiVlog

Finally, thank you for your time dear reader...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Hello, Reader

Today, I'm simply stressed.
I wanted to apologize for my lack of activity, but as mentioned, I've been stressed with school, and my future in general. I must admit I had a breakdown not too long ago while in school, but my good friend was there to provide me with moral support, and I feel much better now...which brings me to my next point. Ever since I was in high school (perhaps before) I've dealt with some anxiety, and panic attacks. So here are my tips, or what I do day in and day out to help my situation.

First, I remind my self to take deep breaths and take things one at a time. Second, and perhaps most important, I remind my self I'm only human, and tell my self to take it easier on my mind, brain, thoughts. The more I think things through, I've found causes me the most stress and anxiety. Finally, remember things always work out for the better, and it's only a tough day, not a tough life. Things ALWAYS get better, and I know it sounds SO cliche, but it's true.

Want some more help dealing with your anxiety from people who also experience anxiety/panic attacks on a regular basis? Zoella is a wonderful human being, go watch her video on dealing with anxiety here:

Want to ask me questions, or have general comments/ concerns about dealing with anxiety/ panic attacks? I am now on iVlog! A cool new vlogging website.
 Find me here:

Reader, please don't feel ashamed or embarrassed about approaching me through my social media networks in order to talk about what you're going through. We're all humans, and we all need someone we can talk to when we're at our lowest, weakest moments. Thank you so much for your time beloved reader, and I hope to keep sharing and growing together! :)

Contact me here:
Instagram: @Andyslens
Twitter: @Andres_vlog
Now on iVlog! @AndresiVlog

preferred contact method- Twitter, Instagram, email.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Tuesday, August 26th. -2014

Hello, Reader!

I have an announcement as I made evident in the title, but anyway, it's mostly about a thought I've had for months if not years now. It's something I've been ignoring or trying to ignore, but always come back to. It's a project I just recently (officialy) started. Anyway, the project is... *drum roll* is writing my own book!

This is something I've tried many times before, but tend to not finish. Anyway, I'm becoming older, and this is a dream of mine to complete my first book to its full extent. For a lot of time, it's as if the stars speak to me and tell me to do it, I truly feel it's something I'm meant to do, and as I said, I'm enthusiastic about starting & getting it done. Anyway, please be patient eith me! Perhaps all I have left now is time. I hope to work on this new project progressively,  and I hope to get a 'due-date' in soon, although it could take months if not years.

Finally, I've yet to talk with a publishing company once my book is closer to being finalized, but if you think you could gelp with that aspect, please contact me through email below! I would truly appreciate it. :)

Anyway, to help with the economic aspect of this project, I will be looking into 'fund-raising' websites! ^-^

Contact info:

Social media connections:
Instagram: @andyslens
Twitter: @andres_vlog

Sunday, August 3, 2014

August 3rd, Sunday

Hello, Reader!

I'm so excited! My sister just ordered my new backpack online! There was only one left. :D
Now, don't get me wrong. I'm excited about my backpack, not school haha. Anyway, yes…I am about two weeks from going back to school, and…I have not finished my summer assignments…ohh well, I'll get around to those soon.

I have been thinking lately about where I hope life will take me…
It's so sad thinking you might not talk to the people you talk to now in a few years. :/
I guess that's how life is…

I don't know where life will take me, but I hope it will take me somewhere good. n.n

Sorry this post got so serious, but I hope you enjoyed it!


Social media connections?

Twitter: @Andres_vlog
Facebook: (pending)
Instagram: @AndysLens

Saturday, August 2, 2014

August 2nd, 2014 (Saturday)

And so one fears…(a reflection)

One fears, one will never have the friends one has now.

One fears, one will never see the friends one has now.

One fears, one will forget about the friends one has now.

One fears, one will move away from the friends one has now.

One fears, one's friends now, won't be one's friends tomorrow.

But, as one falls asleep, one remembers, one has many days to come; and one has yet to embrace those days. And so, at the end of the day, one tells one's friends and family he loves them, and one shares one's love with others.

An original work by: Andres I.
August 2nd, 2014. 1:00 p.m. MT

Find me on your social medias here:

Instagram: @AndyLens
Twitter: @Andres_vlog
Facebook: (pending)
Youtube: +TheLifeOfAn Introvert

I hope you enjoyed today's post, if you did please let me know by commenting below, or by letting me know through one of your social media networks! Thank you, reader!

have any questions/concerns?
here's my email! Feel free to contact me at any given moment.


Saturday, July 19, 2014


Hi guys! It's Saturday July 19th, for some reason I've gone through the entire day thinking it was Sunday?

Anyway, I just wanted to stop by and say hello,  and to let you know about the Youtube crrator academy, it's a channel on Youtube brought by Youtube for people seeking to be better at making videos and the people who post to that channel give insights that help quite a lot. Anyways,  if you're interested in learning more about Youtube content, check them out!

Also, I wanted to let you all know I've changed my username on Twitter, it is now @Andres_vlog, if you have any questions or concers feel free to contact me there! :)

Below are my other social media's, and thanks for being awesome!

Facebook: n/a
Instagram: @AndysLens
YouNow: AndysLens
Youtube: @TheLifeOfAn Introvert
Myspace? Lol, just kidding.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Monday, July 14th, 2014

Hello, Reader!

Sometimes, life can be cruel and unfair.
I say that, only because I think it's important that every human being understands this. Today has been rather smooth, but I post the first sentence because of something that happened yesterday.

As I saw (like I regularly do) Zoe's or Zoella's video on Youtube, I was very intrigued when she mentioned a contest that involved the chance to become a blogger at a larger scale for a skin care company on Tumblr. I loved this, and decided to read up and learn more. When I went to the company's Tumblr page, I was really excited to see that I was in fact in the age criteria. But, as I went on and read the (what I would be doing) tab, I became very upset and saddened. Number one started with: "you'll be the go-to girl for all things skin care." After I saw this, I became very upset with the company, and fell sad that Zoe hadn't been warned about the fact that only girls would be allowed to enter the contest.

Now, before you get any different ideas, I know Zoe has a mostly female audience, and the company holding the contest probably has mostly female clients, but as a guy who believes in health and taking care of one's body and mind, I was very disappointed when I saw that this company would think that only girls take care of their skin.

Okay, I'm done protesting.
Anyways, I hope you didn't find this post too boring, and I hope to see more feedback both on here and my other social media networks below:

Instagram: (personal) @AndysLens
Twitter: Andyslens_vlog
Facebook: (pending)
YouNow: Andyslens
Youtube: AndysLens

Also, I wanted to include my personal e-mail where you can find me more easily and receive a more rapid reply than my business enquiries e-mail.

business enquiries e-mail:
personal e-mail:

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27th, 2014

Hello, Reader!

I'm sorry this blog post is going up a bit late, but I admit it, I really did forget to upload earlier. Today has been a good day though (not that that's an excuse) but it really has. I helped two random people down town today, except they didn't know it. Anyway, I simply added twenty minutes to their parking meters. :)
Also, there has been many good news circling around lately, so that's always good.

On another note, I finally got to see Youtubers videos today for Vidcon day one, and may I just say, it is truly a dream of mine to attend Vidcon one day, but as someone who got invited personally by Youtube. Also, I'd like to ask you reading this, for feedback, and help on choosing this Sunday's video topic. I've finally come up with a name for Sunday videos, I won't release the name here, but stay tuned to my channel on Youtube to learn more about that, either this Sunday the 29th or next Sunday (the first Sunday of July) I say this because I still haven't been able to fix the problem with the editing lap top, but I hope that problem will be solved soon. For now, I'll continue to record videos for future postings! :)

So, enough of me, how was YOUR day? Let me know by commenting below!

Social media link/contact info/video ideas/questions/comments/concers/learn more about me below:

Facebook: (pending)
Twitter: @AndysLens_vlog
Instagram: @AndysLens
YouNow: AndysLens
Youtube: AndysLens

email contact:

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Hello, Reader!

Today is Tuesday, June, 6th, 2014. And I'm so anxious, excited, everything at once. Although I know I may not go, the sheer fact that I got invited is so amazing to me, and I can tell my hard work is finally paying off...

Okay I'll stop with saying how happy I am, and actually tell you what it is. Ahh! Okay, well I got invited to join the National Academy Of Future Physicians And Medical Scientists conference! Ahh!? And I'm a runner up for the National Academy Of Future Physicians And Medical Scientists Award Of Excellence. Wow, wow, wow. I have so many feelings running through me...

As I said, I may not go because of the cost, but the fact that someone in Washington is interested in me, and in what I want to become in the future, is astonishing to me.

Thanks once again, for taking time out of your day to read this, and once more, I will have my new video up soon, as soon as I can get the Adobe laptop up and running again.

Talk to you again soon. Contact info/question concerns below:
Facebook: (pending)
Twitter: @Andyslens_vlog
Instagram: (personal) @Andyslens
Youtube: AndysLens
YouNow: AndysLens


Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23rd, 2014

Hello, Reader!

Nothing really interesting has happened today.
What about you, anything interesting for you today?

I'm so happy Mexico won today's game, although I pretty much slept through the entire thing, whoops…

Anyway, I plan on making a video soon that deals with how teens and younger children are almost forced to have to deal with bullying and peer pressure, and in that video I will try to explain how I've dealt with things like this in the past, in hopes that I may be of help to those experiencing it right now, or that have been scared by it.

That is all for today, I will post a link here once the video is up. I'd appreciate any and all feedback with my blog both here and on Youtube. Thanks for taking the time to read, and below are a few places where you may contact me/learn more about me.

Facebook: (pending)
Twitter: @Andyslens_vlog
Instagram: (personal) @Andyslens
Youtube: AndysLens
Younow: Andyslens

TMR(this month's read) : The Fault In Our Stars

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Introducing Myself

Hello, Reader!

My name is Andres, and I am from Texas. No, I am not from the y'all part of Texas. Thankfully though, I've found some free time to finally get my thoughts on "paper." It's summer, and summer brings lots of time to reflect, work and be productive. And so with that, here is my first blog post.

(I should mention I'm trying to get these thoughts on videos as well, but the idea of starring into a camera lens for more than the time it takes to say 'cheese' is really awkward to me.)

I am a 17 year old Texan, and I enjoy photography, which is awkward for many that know me when I mention I'd love to start daily blogging like Youtubers. But either way, I really want my story to be heard, it may not be the most interesting, but I think it could be largely relatable for many. I wish I could really record my facial expressions, but it's late here, and there's not very good lighting.

(Sorry I have these random short paragraphs, remember these are thoughts though, so they're jumpy)

Some people say that people who do videos about their lives, or write about their lives like I'm doing now, don't have much to say, and therefore don't have many friends…but I think that's a lie. I think people who write and talk about things that are helpful to others, have many friends, or have the potential of having many friends.

All my life I've been an introvert, but I think that's the best thing that could've happened to me. Why? Simple. Being quiet for such a large part of my life (although I still am) gave me the chance to see the world through a different lens than my peers often did. Anyway, that also gave me the chance to make the best of friends! Friends who thought just like I did…

Media culture is a beautiful and horrible thing.
Media culture has given us the opportunity to talk to people just like ourselves, meet with people like ourselves, but also makes people who aren't supposed to be famous, famous. I'm not saying I deserve to be famous by any means because I'm not. But, there are beautiful people on this planet, that I am super thankful they were able to get their stories across to more than a few hundred people. For example, Zoe from the Youtube channel Zoella. Zoe is a British girl who didn't live such a spectacular life when she was younger. Rather, she lived a normal 'boring' life if you will like many of us did. And that, I believe, is what makes her special. I really don't know where I'm going with this, but I think what I want to get to is that no one should be afraid of what a normal and uninteresting life they're living. No matter how unimportant you think your story may be, It's relevant. MORE than relevant. Sometimes I wish everyone could have five million subscribers on Youtube, full of people willing to listen to them, but that's probably an impossible dream of mine. Well…not impossible, nothing is impossible. The world itself says: I'm possible.

I hope this blog post wasn't too choppy, but before I keep rambling on with never ending thoughts, I'll end my first blog post here. Below, I will post my Youtube channel name (I have only one video, but I promise I'm working on getting more uploaded) and also below, I will post this month's read. That's something I want to do on my Youtube channel, give book reviews/recommendations, and give a monthly or weekly book read. I'll give more info. on that with my upcoming videos.

I hope at least one person reads this…otherwise I'm going to feel very embarrassed. I'm sorry for any grammatical errors, It's easier to think than write often times…

Okay, here's where you can ask me questions, or contact me/ learn more about me:
Twitter: @Andyslens_vlog
Facebook: (pending)
Instagram: (personal) @Andyslens
Youtube: AndysLens
Younow: Andyslens

This month's read was: The Fault In Our Stars
yes, I know most of you have already read it.

Once more, thanks for reading dear reader, and talk to you soon!